Digital Marketing


PPC & Paid Search

As a Google Premier Partner entrusted with managing more than $10 million in Pay Per Click budgets for our clients, we know what it takes to maximize PPC campaigns that bring in high-quality leads and online sales at low costs. From Google Shopping, Maps, and Local Services campaigns, to Bing Ads, LinkedIn ads, and Google Ads, we are experts that beat your competition with proven, tailored strategies designed to deliver multiple times return on your PPC budget.

Beyond targeted custom PPC campaigns, we also build multi-channel PPC strategies that incorporate programmatic banner ads, customized landing pages, and dynamic retargeting ads to drive conversions across the entire customer journey. From the basics to advanced tactics – like mobile ads, programmatic video, geo-fencing, weather-triggered events, timely promotional copy, and funnel-optimized landing pages – each client is treated uniquely and all strategies are carefully considered for maximum performance.

Whether you would like to discuss how a comprehensive PPC strategy can grow your business or would like to talk about optimizing your current campaigns, we welcome your inquiry by clicking below.

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